Saturday, April 16, 2011

So it seems ad says
“98% rich white people good for fancy restaurant..25k”
We are also Microsoft’s bedroom
All the real estate ads agree on this

When I was a skinny impressionable and young
Fly Fisherman
We would drive forever it seemed
To go to the Carnation Farms stretch and fish The Snoqualmie
Once a cow chased my brother

We used to have loggers
We used to have dairy farmers
We used to have many less people and many more trees
There was one stoplight between here and Redmond
we used to be a small town

When the valley flooded we would drive through the water
Laughing at the sloppy silliness of it
We had one cop
We were our own small selves

Now the hill is covered with tiny skinny boxes
All painted the same it seems
There sprout lights everywhere
And traffic doesn’t move at all, ever
Never, unless you are crossing the street on foot


Blue Collar Knot Detangler said...

Yea and don't forget about all those, dam Cyclist every nice day, what with their loud voices and louder Lycra. Ow to go back, but at last progress is progress so get over it old man. :)

Cary said...
