Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Creatively Late

The alarm rang and I re-set it
One and-a-half hours later
When I put on my shoes I heard the birds chirping
Breathless windows were wide open
It was so hot
I kissed my wife with butterfly kisses and woke her
Just enough to not really wake her

Opening the car door I looked up
Against the pink sky a blue heron flying
Surely a good omen

The traffic was a little heavier
Parking was full so I parked way the hell out
I chose to go right instead of left and spied a trail
Worn in the grass field it forked
I chose the way less traveled
Crossing the road I was stunned to see a woman, Lisa
I had a thing for years ago, we flirted often
There was sexual tension between us but I never asked her out
Because I was with someone else

Walking in the pink light was against the side of the building
I realized things were in point of fact quite wonderful
I need to go in late more often

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