Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pink Bombs of Peace

Bombs Away baby!
Pink bombs of peace
Kill them with kindness
Give them some treats
Books can be dangerous
If you know how to read
Libraries can be violent places
They plant those thinking seeds
You know how it works, the DNA of thought
Thoreau, Gandhi and MLK were wrought

Let’s spend lots of money to keep from being bored
But kill no more people to feed our vicious Lord
Let’s build and grow; plant seeds and sow
Paint crooked smiles on dirty round faces
Show them we love them in all the right places
All the same meanness makes our world duller
Take the gray and splash on some color
Pink bombsight aplomb
The people look like ants
Bathed in a pink-light calm
We will have gingersnap medals
Surely heroes I think
We will be in the pink

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