Saturday, December 12, 2009

Homemade Jealousy Jam

Anything you can do I seem to do much better
I can experience much more so than you
If we both travel yours will unravel
my eyes will see more wondrous things than can you

Assembly line gadgets shine so very much brighter
held in my hand, I really can't understand
Why you suppose you hold even tighter
Your pittances so dull, while mine are so grand

Even the people I meet, walking down the street
are so animatedly interesting, and quiescently curious
Whilst you are besieged with zombies of the spiritless
Stereotypical people who are conversationally injurious

I doubt it your responsibility your life was drawn drab
It is most likely not your fault to be presented such a cliché
It is better you than me to traverse this gray landscape
Through repetition you are prepared to handle the passé

God's kaleidoscope my plaything, my only worry is excess
You have the patience of Job's loss, running the peeve-petting zoo
At times it's true, I forget to count my blessings
I rightfully remember after listening to you

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pink Bombs of Peace

Bombs Away baby!
Pink bombs of peace
Kill them with kindness
Give them some treats
Books can be dangerous
If you know how to read
Libraries can be violent places
They plant those thinking seeds
You know how it works, the DNA of thought
Thoreau, Gandhi and MLK were wrought

Let’s spend lots of money to keep from being bored
But kill no more people to feed our vicious Lord
Let’s build and grow; plant seeds and sow
Paint crooked smiles on dirty round faces
Show them we love them in all the right places
All the same meanness makes our world duller
Take the gray and splash on some color
Pink bombsight aplomb
The people look like ants
Bathed in a pink-light calm
We will have gingersnap medals
Surely heroes I think
We will be in the pink

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Creatively Late

The alarm rang and I re-set it
One and-a-half hours later
When I put on my shoes I heard the birds chirping
Breathless windows were wide open
It was so hot
I kissed my wife with butterfly kisses and woke her
Just enough to not really wake her

Opening the car door I looked up
Against the pink sky a blue heron flying
Surely a good omen

The traffic was a little heavier
Parking was full so I parked way the hell out
I chose to go right instead of left and spied a trail
Worn in the grass field it forked
I chose the way less traveled
Crossing the road I was stunned to see a woman, Lisa
I had a thing for years ago, we flirted often
There was sexual tension between us but I never asked her out
Because I was with someone else

Walking in the pink light was against the side of the building
I realized things were in point of fact quite wonderful
I need to go in late more often

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Cup of Darkness

It is a perfect night for fireflies
but we have no fireflies
and no Northern Lights either

The cars shout their asphalt echo
As they stream across the valley
borne on their river of light

my dancing head scares me
reflected in a stop sign
who goes there?

the lady on the corner who is never home
paces on the phone
then loudly lock latches her door

My dog stares at this audible intrusion
gives her big dog bark
And mutters a few girly growls under her breath

We keep walking
Drinking our cups of liquid darkness
This thing is mostly complete

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Gloaming

What if beneath the gloaming sky
and all the Pacific wonders-why
The starry, starry night stares us blind
We shudder, shiver, slowly we succumb

That sea salt smell really travels boy
It wends and wafts and crawls upwind
You can smell the sea when it isn’t even there
The ocean flows the tides of air

The evil gulls black-blinked and banked,
Turned and called with their crybaby pains
creative cries, delinquent gains
Sacrifice that car! We need a canvass to shit our graffiti!

The waves chew the earth with their inexorable hunger
Slapping the sand’s thighs with its foamy sighs
Determination of the damned this can’t go on forever… can it?
Only all the way to Tahiti!

So it goes, on and on forever, as the eye
can clearly see, the seas
Green and frothy, a soup of something surely
I march to be mixed, attached at the hips

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The flagpole is gone

There was a WW1 veteran across the street
He put up a flagpole
Now someone has taken it down
Maybe it was too much work for them
I would walk by his apartment
He would come out and walk beside me
He asked “where you going”?
I said “downtown here”
He said “I guess I am too then” and would pinch the fatback of my arm
We would walk that way, I didn’t have much choice really
He would say “I am blind you know…I was in WW1”
I forget how old he was then but damn old anyway
He always wanted me to come in and sit
He was shot in the leg one week after the war was over
It took a little while for the word to get out to everyone
I suppose
Hey it is over now, we are all friends now, and some day, some day we will even
Use the same money
He was lonely and blind and everything he fought for had been forgotten
Now the flagpole is gone too
I had forgotten about him myself
I just remembered him through its absence

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Addiction

Like licking honey

off a sharp knife

my addiction

Sinful eyes of want

soul searing need

loving affliction

She whispers prayers

in the night

to salt my dreams

As an animal


carnal screams

So true and clear

her black-green

jealous heart

She claws my back

she draws my blood

she tears me apart

she beckons

pain to vanish

my addiction

Monday, April 20, 2009

Warm Hearts

We have screwed the Earth
And that is for sure
There are few things in life we know to be true
But this is one

We examine our fingernails
Seeking a bit of dirt
A fraction of earth
A clue

We think of the news we see
Everyday lavender loveliness
Videos and pictures and serious talking
Our eyes eat

We contemplate of Pacific Ocean Islands
Of floating plastic
It must be the cheating Chinese or others (not us)
Polar bears singing sad songs of swimming sorrow

There is only one more spoon of ice cream left in the very bottom
We dream muscle car dreams
Proceeding down the promenade perfumed
A clear drop of ethyl behind each ear

Monday, April 13, 2009

Steel Beamed Heaven

Looky-lou Lord looming brightly above
Steel beamed heaven dimensions
Tour guides hollow booming presence

Where is our manna to quench us?

Now I lay me down to lunch
Seeking six sigma refreshment
Tepidly twittering my keyboard’s clitoris

Singing sad songs of what becomes of us

Paperless people screech sermons of surrender
Flightless dumb doves flutter by desks
Going to die in their wastebasket quests

Crashing in the distance making our eyelids heavy
Wave after wave of metallic rolling thunder
Nodding off within reach, on our chemically sweet beach

Conversations tried and conversations lost
Being such plugged in bits of wan wonder
Conversation died it’s the IPod’s cost

our wayward leaders they can’t teach us

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Did I Write This?

Anne Frank
waiting in Berlin
my turn
going to the doctor monday
They will look at his heart
2-25-08 they will look
like a child looks at a cats bunghole
with wonderment